
Sai (naani) happens to be an orphan and he grows from his childhood in a rather tricky style. Sai tends to sleep at homes when the owners are away on their vacations and though he is an intelligent guy, he is also a kind person at heart. During one such stint of his, he ends up in the bungalow of Savitri (madhavilatha) who happens to be a girl with pride. Sparks of repulsion begin to fly in the beginning and they tend to get into fights. Eventually friendship blooms and all goes well until one day Savitri has a fight with her dad and walks out of her place. Sai comes into the picture to help her out and what kind of role he plays forms the rest of the movie.

Naani gave a responsible performance and he has lived up to his talent and caliber. Madhavilatha was competent and she has infused life into her character. The chemistry between both was nice. Nasser had his special place with his episode while Tanikella was elegant with his brief role. Gundu Hanumantha Rao was okay, Brahmanandam was average, M S Narayana was good. Others did their bit as required and contributed to the film.
Technical aspects
The dialogues were good, the script was okay, the screenplay was just about average. Music could not impress and there was just one song worth humming. Cinematography was disappointing as it had not captured the moments and locations that well. Editing was crisp, the costumes were suiting the characters and the art department was creative.
Director’s portrayal
The director has not attempted anything out of the way and he was focusing on his narrative and the presentation to an extent. He has handled the script very well but could not provide enough gravity to the plot so that it can keep the audience thinking. However, the efforts were alright from his end and he can do it much better in the coming ventures.
Critic’s view
The film is a simple tale of romance, friendship and laughter and though there are not many heart touching moments, it does not leave the audience with any idle time either. The highlight of the film has been the Nasser episode with his romance and that was quite hilarious. Naani’s performance was credible and that also kept things busy. If the story was tweaked with few more twists and interesting songs then the film would have been a sure shot profit grosser. For now, it has to rely on some publicity and positive word of mouth.
Passable, can be watched if nothing else to do
Released on: 07.08.09

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